Numbas update
Christian Lawson-Perfect,
Newcastle University
Numbas user meeting, Spring 2022
“In the coming year, I’m going to focus less on developing new features in Numbas, and more on organising the content we’ve already got.”
- 100,000+ questions
- ~9,500 published items
- ~8,000 users
- ~1,500 institutions
Community stats
- Runtime translated to 18 languages (LTI tool only 2!)
- ~20 pull requests in the last year
- No stats on LTI use
- ~ A dozen papers mentioning Numbas
LTI tool v3.0
- Getting a grip on async tasks!
- Docker
- Managing versions better
.exam schema
Numbas Open Resource Library
Aim: Collect good, reliable open-access material in a moderated library.
Please join in on Thursday morning!
Behind the design of Numbas
~ 13,000 words so far
Custom input methods
I want an interaction that isn't possible with one of the built-ins.
Extensions can define new input methods, and custom part types can use them.
Pre-submit tasks
Something long-running or asynchronous needs to happen before marking.
marking note is evaluated before the rest of the marking algorithm.
- Programming - more on Wednesday
- Graph theory (demo)
- Improvements to JSXGraph
- Manage submissions to the Open Resource Library
- Better tools for checking workflow
Queues attached to projects, with checklists and comment threads.
Autocompletion in the editor
Goals for the immediate future
- Producing working-out
- Lock-down app
- Improve diagnostic mode
- More contributors! (173 + 101 + 73 = 346 open issues!)