The Numbas Blog

Another Numbas presentation

I gave another presentation about Numbas last week at the e-Assessment Scotland conference in Dundee. I revised my old slides and created a better demo exam, so I thought I’d better link to them from here. I’m thinking about recording a screencast of how to use Numbas – would that interest anybody?

Anyway, those slides – click here.

My Numbas presentation

I’ve had to give a few presentations about Numbas at various places in the past month, so I wrote a quick set of slides. I’ve just uploaded it here.

I created the slideshow using Slidy, which is much better at using HTML for slideshows than my attempt.

Numbas is now properly open-source

Numbas, my web-based e-assessment system, is now available under an Apache 2.0 licence at github. That means it’s finally properly open-source, and anyone can do whatever they like with it.