Numbas Exam
allowPrinting booleanAllow students to print question content? -
contributors -
custom_part_types arrayCustom part types used in this examItems:
can_be_gap booleanCan this part type be a gap? -
can_be_step booleanCan this part type be a step? -
title Description -
extensions arrayExtensions required by this part typeItems:
stringThe name of an extension -
help_url stringURL of a help page -
input_options objectOptions for the input widget -
input_widget stringThe input widget used by this part type -
marking_notes arrayMarking notes -
marking_script Marking script -
name stringName -
settings arrayDefinitions of settings for the part type -
short_name stringA globally unique short name -
source objectInformation about the source of this custom part type-
author objectAuthor-
name stringName -
pk numberID
edit_page stringURL of the page to edit the custom part type -
pk numberID
diagnostic objectDiagnostic mode settings-
customScript Custom diagnostic algorithm -
knowledge_graph objectKnowledge graph-
learning_objectives -
topics arrayTopicsItems:
depends_on arrayNames of topics this topic depends onItems:
string -
title Description -
learning_objectives arrayNames of learning objectives this topic belongs toItems:
string -
name stringName
script stringDiagnostic algorithmMust be one of:
duration numberThe duration of the exam, in seconds -
extensions arrayExtensions required by this examItems:
stringThe name of an extension -
feedback objectFeedback settings-
results_options objectResults page options-
printquestions booleanShow questions in printed results summary? -
printadvice booleanShow advice in printed results summary?
allowrevealanswer booleanAllow reveal answer? -
feedbackmessages arrayFeedback messagesItems:
message stringMessage -
threshold numberPercentage score (0-100) above which this message is shown.
intro stringIntroduction -
showadvicewhen stringWhen to show question adviceMust be one of:
showexpectedanswerswhen stringWhen to reveal expected answersMust be one of:
showactualmarkwhen stringWhen to show the current scoreMust be one of:
showanswerstatewhen stringWhen to show answer stateMust be one of:
showtotalmarkwhen stringWhen to show the maximum scoreMust be one of:
showpartfeedbackmessageswhen stringWhen to show part feedback messagesMust be one of:
metadata -
name stringThe name of the exam -
navigation -
percentPass The pass/fail threshold for the student's total score, as a percentage of the available marks. -
question_groups arrayQuestion groupsItems:
name stringName -
pickQuestions Number of questions to choose -
pickingStrategy stringQuestions to useMust be one of:
questionNames arrayOverride question namesItems:
string -
questions -
variable_overrides arrayVariable overrides. One item for each question in the group.Items:
definition Variable definition -
name stringThe name of the variable to override
resources arrayResource files associated with the examItems:
arrayA tuple:
showQuestionGroupNames booleanShould the names of question groups be shown to the student? -
showstudentname booleanShow the student's name? -
shuffleQuestionGroups booleanIf true, the question groups appear in random order. -
timing objectTiming settings-
allowPause booleanAllow pausing? -
timedwarning object5 minutes before timeout-
action stringActionMust be one of:
message stringMessage
timeout objectOn timeout-
action stringActionMust be one of:
message stringMessage