Using Numbas for final exams
Chris Graham
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics E-Learning Unit
Aim of this short video
Summarise activity using Numbas for exams, particularly since the onset of the Covid pandemic.
What is Numbas?
Numbas is a mathematical e-assessment tool developed by the E-Learning Unit in the School of Maths, Stats & Physics.
Offers instant feedback and randomisation: ideal for formative assessment.
Trends and observations
Significant increase in higher stakes assessments.
Increased use of hybrid assessments.
Rapid growth of Numbas use in Engineering.
A brief history of Numbas for exams
Pre-Covid: most assessments were low-stakes, with a small number of exams and class tests.
Pass-Fail assessments
Used for maths and physics stage 1 in 2019/20.
Served an important purpose at the start of the pandemic.
"4 in 24" assessments
Used for maths and physics stage 1 in 2020/21.
Students have a fixed time within a 24 hour window, with Numbas controlling the timer.
Hybrid assessments
Emerging from 2021/22 exams and in widespread use in 2022/23.
Students upload work to some questions to Canvas for manual marking. Allows efficient, focussed marking
Numbas developments supporting exams
New features, developed in response to changing formats, including:
Numbas and Inspira
Several exams in 2021/22 will take place on campus and use Numbas via Inspira.
Numbas continues to be an option for invigilated exams.
Contact us to find out more.