Numbas update
Christian Lawson-Perfect
Newcastle University
EAMS 2023
The last year
- 125,000+ questions
- ~10,500 published items
- ~8,200 users
- ~1,500 institutions
People who aren't me
- Student interns Will McNestry and Aleksas Bagdonas last Summer
- Laura Midgley joined the team
- 1 and a bit more people joining this Summer
Aims for the last year
- Producing working-out: not yet!
- Lockdown app: done!
- More contributors: 😬
Will and Aleksas
Will McNestry and Aleksas Bagdonas added a few JME functions; made some UI changes; added an events framework for code to hook into.
Lockdown app
Numbas lockdown app or Safe Exam Browser can be required.
Headless testing
The entire exam runtime now has unit tests that can run headlessly. Unit tests run automatically each time a commit is made to the GitHub repo.
Browser compatibility
Dropped support for Internet Explorer. Made a tool to measure compatibility.
Unicode handling
I looked at every mathematical symbol in Unicode.
√(3² + 4²) ≡ sqrt(3^2 + 4^2)
Printed worksheet theme
New editor layout
Automatic part unit tests
Web-based editor setup
Spreadsheets extension
Offline results analysis
To-do list countdown
- Numbas: 98 (+71, -144, 8 contributors)
- Editor: 115 (+58, -56, 7 contributors)
- LTI provider: 106 (+27, -5, 1 contributor)
= 319 open issues! (-49)
Aims for next year:
- Support LTI 1.3 (Advantage) with the LTI provider.
- More contributors